Over the last four years, as I explored my psychic abilities and ventured into various practices to do with magick, I was drawn to Oracle and Tarot Cards. Beginning with one deck, I slowly began collecting decks and doing readings. I’ve always used them as guidance tools and it’s incredible to witness the synchronicity of the universe and the messages one receives when tapping into the power of the cards.
I was inspired to create my own deck of hand-painted cards and the journey has been amazing. Although I completed painting my cards in 2020, owing to the Pandemic a lot changed. I was forced to find a local manufacturer and it has taken me 3 years since to complete this project. However, I truly believe in the timing of the universe. Now when I have the printed deck in my hands, it gives me joy, and I look forward to sharing that with you all.
The Crystal Sea Oracle
The Crystal Sea Oracle is a deck of 56 hand-painted cards with a guide booklet. The element of water has a great impact on our everyday life. The Ocean/Sea to me is a strong symbol of this journey of life and death. It offers wisdom, peace and is somehow in sync with our inner feelings and emotions. A major chunk of our planet and our bodies is made up of water. The Ocean is magick and its creatures are here to assist and guide us. When you believe in mermaids, and this magick, the experiences on this journey find a newer meaning and tapping into the wisdom they offer is blissful. This deck, helped me tap into the healing power of water as an element and draw parallels with existing archetypes.
Use these painted sceneries showing the different shades and colours of the sea, the sky and other elements; to tap into the Ocean’s/Sea’s wisdom for healing, guidance, protection and to connect with your own intuition. Use them to co-create with the universe, understand events, signs and synchronicities of your life and as an aid in personal transformation and spiritual growth.
“Sitting on the sand, by the vast sea always has a calming power. Hearing the waves gush and the breeze in the horizon has the power of finding yourself and losing everything else.”- Aditi Mahajan
Here’s a look at some of the cards
If you’d wish to buy this deck, and be notified once it’s available kindly sign up below!
The Water Song referenced in the Video is written by Irene Wawatie Jerome for Grandfather William Commanda’s 2002 Circle of All Nations gathering.